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Your leading independent agency in Switzerland, to help you find the ideal school for your child


Which school in Switzerland suits you best?

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  • Private Schools

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  • International Schools

  • Boarding Schools

  • Sport Schools

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How can Schoolfinders help you?

SCHOOLFINDERS finds the best school for every child and helps set the right course so that your child can develop and thrive in a suitable school environment.

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Contact us

We are delighted to offer you our personalized support!


Use the provided contact form below for further assistance.

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You are welcome to contact us here as well:

Swiss School System: +41 79 437 61 11 (N. Rieffel)

International Families: +41 79 961 16 15 (D.Bauer)

Boarding Schools: +41 79 852 29 10 (J.Huggare)


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School Counseling Services

Our school counseling services are divided into three phases, which can be combined or organised individually.


Team Philosophy


SCHOOLFINDERS believes that every child has the potential to excel. However, if a child is in a school that is not suitable for their personal situation or aiming for a qualification that doesn't align with their abilities, it can significantly impact their performance and, in some cases, their self-esteem.

Often, teenagers truly flourish when they are integrated into a suitable environment. However, before reaching that point, it is crucial to evaluate the options accurately. Our extensive experience and broad knowledge of the Swiss and international educational landscape assist us in this endeavor.

In order to lead a happy and successful life, it is important to know and be able to develop one's talents. A child should be adequately challenged to maintain their curiosity, but should not be constantly overwhelmed. As parents of young adults, we understand that obtaining a school diploma alone is not sufficient. On the contrary, that's when the real journey begins! Therefore, during their academic career, teenagers should maintain a certain thirst for knowledge to later find joy in higher education and professional life.

At SCHOOLFINDERS, we help you identify the best school for your child, where they can make the most of their potential and develop a lifelong love for learning.

Curious? Give us a call or write to us!

Swiss School System: +41 79 437 61 11 (N. Rieffel)

International Families: +41 79 961 16 15 (D.Bauer)

Boarding Schools: +41 79 852 29 10 (J.Huggare)


Hallenstrasse 15

8008 Zürich


IBAN: CH82 0070 0110 0069 7168 9 (ZKB Meilen) 

Our general terms and conditions are visible when filling out the sign up form.

© 2024 by SCHOOLFINDERS GmbH, Hallenstrasse 15, 8008 Zurich.

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